Rudolf Chayira

I'm a Frontend Web Developer

About Me Personal Info

Get to know me!

Hey! It's Rudolf Chayira and I'm a Frontend Web Developer. I'm a passionate, attentive developer who uses web technologies to build amazing products and focusing on solving problems using the power of technology.

I will love to hear from you. Whether it's a project, job opportunity, or just a chat. Feel free to contact me here.


My Skills


Projects Here you can find some of the projects that I have created

Software Screenshot

Expense Tracker

Languages and Technologies used: React | Node.js | Firebase | Git | Netlify
Expense Tracker with Login/Register Form using Google Firebase Realtime Database

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Software Screenshot

Github Finder

Languages and Technologies used: JavaScript | React | API | Material UI | Git | Netlify
This web app allows user to search and view other user profiles on GitHub

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Software Screenshot

Covid-19 Dashboard

Languages and Technologies used: JavaScript | React | Webpack | CSS3 | API | Git
A Covid-19 Dashboard which includes coronavirus cases (confirmed, deaths and recovered) per country - updated daily.

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Software Screenshot

Lets Espresso

Languages and Technologies used: JavaScript | HTML | CSS3 | SASS | Github | Git | Netlify
I decided to create a coffee shop website I used to visit. I used my frontend tools to build the User Interface which works on all types of devices.

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Contact Fill in the form below and I will get back you as soon as possible